I’ve never been a fan of eating cold leftover meat, to be honest, but there are a few exceptions. Roast pork is one of them. I’m particularly fond of loin of pork, because it tends to be quite lean, and the fat will reside mostly on the exterior of the roast, making it very easy to remove prior to carving into thin (or thick) slices for sandwiches.
Luckily, I had some leftover pork roast from my last dinner party, and it made for the most wonderful lunch (and bed time snack) for days to follow. I quickly trimmed off what little fat there was, and carved it into fairly thin slices.
On a side note, I’m not an expert carver, but the one thing I’ve learned is to always carve with a sharp knife. You would be astounded how easy it is to end up carving yourself when you use a knife with a dull blade. I know, I’ve been there. Too many times to count. I now consider my knife sharpener as one of my most important kitchen tools, and it has its own spot on the counter top in the kitchen, next to the toaster.
Now, let’s get back to our sandwich. I realize I’m hardly giving you a recipe, since this is just a sandwich made of leftovers, but it’s more the combination of ingredients that I wanted to share with you that make this sandwich nearly more delightful to eat than when the roast pork was first served. You see, the key to making this sandwich sing is the mustard. And, while I’m a big fan of trying new things, and fancy versions of common ingredients, here I’m going to ask you to stick to basic, yellow mustard, and forgo the Dijon altogether.
All you need is some really good bread, some butter if you wish, a bit of mayonnaise and lots of yellow mustard. Pile the pork on as high as you like, and make sure you season the sandwich with freshly ground pepper (lots of it), or do as I did and season it with some Creole seasoning (mine has lots of cayenne in it), or something with some kick!
If you wanted to cook a pork roast just for the purposes of making this sandwich, I would totally support you. In this case, it would be completely justified. Enjoy.
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