“This is trashy Midwestern eating at its finest. You could be on a back road goin’ nowhere, comin’ from nowhere, and haven’t even been anywhere, when all of a sudden you would come upon a roadside dive selling this tenderloin sandwich that was so big and so divine, you’d give up your virginity and your […]
Pizza Parlour Pasta Casserole
Sometimes combining different recipe ideas into one dish works, and sometimes it doesn’t. In this case, I was really pleased when I combined the flavours of pizza with my one of my favourite carb fests, the baked pasta casserole. Not stemming from any recipe book, this recipe evolved over time. It goes something like […]
Easy Baked Beans
I come from a long lineage of people who love baked beans. And if I may say so, I also come from a long line of great cooks who have perfected the art of making slow cooked, baked beans in a crock over a low fire, or buried in hot embers, or in a first […]
Bacon and Egg Strata
Sundays are typically “bacon and egg breakfast” kind of days at our house. This Sunday is no different, only I have some leftover ciabatta to use up today, before it turns into a solid mass of bread where the only way it will be salvaged is by being turned into bread crumbs. Mine still has […]
My Favourite Roast Sandwich
I’ve never been a fan of eating cold leftover meat, to be honest, but there are a few exceptions. Roast pork is one of them. I’m particularly fond of loin of pork, because it tends to be quite lean, and the fat will reside mostly on the exterior of the roast, making it very easy […]